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We’re CORE Teamwear: the kit provider committed to offering unbeatable prices & quality to Grassroots Clubs across the UK.


Bespoke kit designs at no extra cost - allow your imagination to come to life. Or do you need to closely match a previous kit for continuity? Leave it with us.


Always available - whether that be through your club shop or subsequent bulk orders. Our ranges never get discountinued.


Long lasting kits for maximum value for money - our kits are sublimated, meaning logos (usually applied separately) are dyed into the fabric.

Dream it -

Design it -

Wear it -

Dream it - Design it - Wear it -


Bespoke Sets of Kit From

Including Delivery & All Logo Printing

No Hidden Costs


Mid & Top Layers From

Including Delivery & Club Logo Printing

No Hidden Costs

It’s simple - by keeping our costs down! We don’t spend lots of money on expensive marketing and overheads. Instead we let our prices, quality and customer service do the talking.

How Are we so Affordable?

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