We’re CORE Teamwear: the kit provider committed to offering unbeatable prices & quality to Grassroots Clubs across the UK.
Bespoke kit designs at no extra cost - allow your imagination to come to life. Or do you need to closely match a previous kit for continuity? Leave it with us.
Always available - whether that be through your club shop or subsequent bulk orders. Our ranges never get discountinued.
Long lasting kits for maximum value for money - our kits are sublimated, meaning logos (usually applied separately) are dyed into the fabric.
Dream it -
Design it -
Wear it -
Dream it - Design it - Wear it -
Bespoke Sets of Kit From
Including Delivery & All Logo Printing
No Hidden Costs
Mid & Top Layers From
Including Delivery & Club Logo Printing
No Hidden Costs
It’s simple - by keeping our costs down! We don’t spend lots of money on expensive marketing and overheads. Instead we let our prices, quality and customer service do the talking.